Transformative Practices for Personal Growth

The events of our lives are like a school for the evolution of consciousness.

From the breakdowns in our physical health, to the conflicts in our relationships, to the stuck emotional states of our inner lives, to the consequences of our behavior, our lives are constantly giving us feedback, showing patterns, clues and riddles.

Paying attention and learning from this feedback, gives us the opportunity to discover our path to healing and growth.

When healing occurs, sustainable growth is taking place, evolution is happening.

How do you know if healing is taking place?

There are symptoms of healing as there are symptoms of dis-ease. Healing symptoms: release of tension, lessening of burden, felt sense of inner freedom, more at peace, attuned to the present moment, clarity of mind, emotional stability or regulation, less conflict, feeling more flow energetically, more intention in our behavior and actions, etc.

There are practices in which one can engage to cultivate awareness, attune to present moment experiences, and begin exploring ways to open, deepen and grow.

Yoga – breath awareness
Meditation – paths beyond ego/personality
Embodied practices – cognitive understanding is easy. Living it is the goal.

Let me show you the way.

To find a better direction, please call me today at (615) 227-9278. I will work with you to help you find your way.